Thursday, April 12, 2018

I am a humble teacher: An accidental Poem!

I am a humble teacher.
I must remain humble.
I must behave like  a noble person
Because I have a noble job.
A 'nobel job'
That's society's rich vocab to cajole us with.
I must always live up to their expectations.
An exemplary example I must always be.

If a child fails in his test
I am indirectly blamed for it.
If he gets through with flying colours 
I am told that the kid was born intelligent. 
I cannot make a noise about it because I am a humble teacher.

When I ask for a decent table to work on in the staff-room
I am informed that classroom is the place I should spend much of my time.
If I request a leave for some personal work
I am accused of not prioritising what is more important. 
I must not complain about it
Because I am a humble teacher.

When I ask for medical leave
I am made to realize that I am no more fit for the job.
When I am late by few minutes 
My punctuality is questioned.
They are least bothered of how I  manage my home and work.
I cannot bother them too because I am a humble teacher.

When I question authorities about 
Inequality and need for more transperancy
My integrity for the organisation is questioned.
I shouldn't question them twice because I am a humble teacher.

If I keep pestering my boss
They have many weapons to suppress me
Promotion process or the next increment 
The Pandora box is wide open for them
I shouldn't rest my mind too much on it
 because I am a humble teacher. 

If I do something good
It takes ages to receive the due appreciation
A mistake is a sin!
My productivity is in jeopardy
I must ease the situation
Forget and forgive everyone
 because I am a humble teacher

If I am critical
Or always righteous in my conduct
I am seen as a threat
Nepotism and favouritism shouldn't be questioned.
Be a best 'yes' man ever
Thus you and your job is secured
But I should always serve the organisation more than my boss
Because I am a humble teacher.

When I request for a slight raise in my salary.
I am told I am not worthy for it.
"What have you done extra" is the only response.
Or my lessons are observed more often so to discover some flaws.
I shouldn't accuse the authorities because I am a humble teacher.

I am told to buy new clothes
Because mine looks quite faded.
They saw me only of my attair.
Who bothers my lonely feelings inside.
I must not voice it out loud
 because I am a humble teacher.  

If I fail to discipline a child
My ability is doubted.
If a child learns to mend his manners 
At the end of the day
The credit goes home along with the kid.
I must not take credits for anything because 
I am a humble teacher.  

When I refuse to pay a heed to any donation
I am told I am acting cheap or not fit for a civilized society.
And its funny 
The world is blind on the same pair of shoes 
that have served me for 4 long years.

In the name of monitoring and leadership exhibition
 Administrators are always punitive.
I am requested to buy materials for my own teaching 
because budget is not sufficient. 
I must not complain about all these because I am a humble teacher .

The academic year comes to an end.
Children are promoted  to next higher grade.
The grade of the teacher remains the  same.
Only his age goes up.
The faded clothes and the pair of shoes remain the same. 
'One more year it should last,' he prays. 

Amidst the prayers his heart glows with pride 
That he has built a nation far much richer and better
Through knowledge he shared with his kids.
Yet the world rewards him with almost dead silence 
Because they only have a richest vocab to honour his hardwork. 
Their Heart remains in their cold chest
and hands in their tight pockets. 

A "Nobel job" their silence screams aloud once again!
 Thus I beg to remain a humble teacher. 

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