Thursday, July 29, 2021

My E-gress Address to my former School and my dearest colleagues of Druk

In Photo:Yours truly as John Mantel (The lawer-turned monk character from Robin Sharma book series) During Character Comes Alive -2013 Literary festival.

My farewell address dated 12/03/2021:

As I finally put in my long due resignation and got my relieving order this afternoon, I am so happy not for myself but for you. Seriously. Why? Please keep reading...

Before the Why? Let me express my appreciation. It's been a great pleasure and an honor to be in the moments of making children's life better by being a teacher performing to the best of my abilities..Thank you Galingkha Group and the School for the opportunity and parents and children for great acceptance and my fellow colleagues for being so kind by providing me a space to be witjjjou all whether you like it or not😜😜.

As I reflect my 9 yrs few months and couple of days of stay here, I owe you a list of pardons and since I am leaving I wish to drop a number of good wishes as well. So here it goes...

Sorry I often prolonged our reflection meetings with my suggestions and recommendations or by sharing my opinions on AoB agenda. I wasn't mindful that you all were already tired and I dragged all of you to endure our meet for next 20 mins...

Sorry! All of you must be bored to death listening to lavious acclaludes from principal about me and my creativity...the ideas are in the air...I don't claim it to be mine. Now you don't have to bear it any more.

Sorry for all the classes you missed or you had to forego because I took your children away for my 'organised' history educational field trips.

Sorry I invented, adopted and adapted a lot of new initiatives and programs for our school improvement where you had to put extra effort to materialize it. As I move out, programs like zhenphen Project, school newsletters, Flag Day celebration etc may be reviewed or removed based on teacher's efficiency and student benefits and the program's efficacy.

Sorry for my often lengthy presentations on school improvement plans and activities of which most of the suggestions and recommendations died a silent death but robe your precious time.

Sorry for I must have bored you to death by sharing my views and opinions about worldly affairs and then followed by suggestions on how we can make this world a better place to live. Now the floor is open for your say. I shall miss your presence Hundreds of km away.

Sorry for posting our school activities on my personal Facebook account every now and then, reminding you that you work for a company and for keeping you connected with school affairs even during off hours. I beg your pardon for robbing your family time.

And thus the good wishes for you now..

I wish you have lesser and shorter meetings. Extually I wish you don't have a meeting at all. Talking and doing is two different entities.We must divert our focus, time and energy in making things happen.

I wish you all have less periods to "teach textbooks" and more time and days allocated to "teach the children", A few free hours to understand our children by engaging in meaningful conversations with them will make them more wiser. I believe.

I wish you all enough strength to go beyond classroom, and the textbook driven teaching and learning experience. Be that teacher who is off the cuff! Be a human teacher!

I wish you enough courage to think about yourself and also the wellbeing of your family members. School and students as one entity: It is only one small part of your life.

I wish you enough space to be who you really are as a person though within the professional framework. Being your true self and sharing about your weaknesses will not make you smaller. Children will only accept you more.

I wish you all speak your own mind and think your own thoughts in all school discussions. Education is a collective responsibility! It's not the content that matters but how you teach will. Be that bold Teacher.

I wish you all enough sensibility to put children at all times at the forefront in all your discussions and dialogues. They expect a lot from you.

I wish you all a lot of free time to relax and reflect on your own deeds, both professional and personal, to re-learn and unlearn. Make learning a life long mission.

I wish you all create more " accesses" to enriching learning experiences for your children instead of the lenghty assessments tools to test their memorization ability. Please save them from all those devils-The written exams.

I wish you more praise , acknowledgement and appreciation for you all do an amazing jobs.

I wish you more moments and occasions to enjoy your famous Damakopi Ji and less of 'superlatives' and 'comparatives' doses every now and then. All teachers are equal. All so precious. And thus Celebrate every one in the campus as a special member of the family.

Oopsy I robbed your 3 mins...I should stop it now here....Au revoir Amigos, Adiós Diviértete...Lok-sumaa Jhegay.... Khuda hafiz! ... Sayōnara!!!

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